Sunday, January 3, 2016

Using a composting toilet and convincing a spouse to use it- the adventure begins

Composting toilets are simple to set up and use, but convincing the significant other can be tough.
You are pooping into a bucket, after all; that can't be sanitary! Getting them to try one in a home setting is the easiest way to demonstrate one without a lot of stress.
To demystify the process, I'm posting some pics from the test run I did for the Missus.

So first, you need a cover material. I prefer sawdust and wood chips. It's absorbent, spills are easy to clean up, it smells good and stops odor very well.

 Next, you need your buckets, toilet lid that has been prepared, bags and newspaper to line the bags.
I usually toss a layer of paper into the bucket to soften the bottom edges and make it easier to pull the bag out.

 Next you put in a bag, and another piece of paper. Then you insert another bag and paper.

 Into the second bag, put three (3) large cups of sawdust/absorbent/kitty litter/whatever.

 Let the poopin' begin.  The seat goes on top and away you go. After each use, you add enough cover material to neither see or smell the waste. This does not require a large amount, only a cup or two.

 When it's full, tie and then knot or tape up the inner bag, then do the same to the outer bag.

 This is the bag you will be tossing in the trash. This is one weeks worth of waste for one person, or perhaps 3 days worth if you are a couple. Notice the already prepared replacement bucket sitting to the right. Always make up the bucket, or without fail you will need it in a hurry and have to cross your legs and make it on the spot.
If you are boondocking, my advice to you is to empty the bucket anytime you have the opportunity, thereby avoiding the need to make a special dump trip. In a semi-permanent setting, you may wait until the bucket's near full, but they are much harder to get rid of in a 'casual' manner the more full they are. In our stealth house, we do this every day in the morning when we get coffee on the way to work and no one notices anything odd about a small but heavy bag of car trash going into the garbage bin at the convenience store.

Tags: Composting toilet, Stealth toilet, Waterless toilet, Camping toilet, Boondocking toilet, Boonie bucket, Wallydocking toilet,

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